About Jouvay the Bike Way
This Black August, we invite to join us for a 6 day bike camping tour that will explore 150 miles from Caribana in Toronto, Canada to Buffalo, New York. We take off from Caribana, one of the first Caribbean festivals held outside of the tropics, but first we will party, watch folks play mas and immerse ourselves in Toronto’s carnival celebration.
This bike tour will take us across international borders, along beautiful landscapes, bike trails and through Niagara Falls and between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. We will ride, soar and explore all the way to stopping at the Underground Railroad Heritage Center in Niagara Falls where freedom seekers to Canada are honored. The museum sits across the street from the remains of a 19th century suspension bridge that the legendary Harriet Tubman crossed to lead enslaved people to freedom. We will ground ourselves in the lasting heritage of ancestors at Freedom Crossing where the story of the Underground Railroad in Buffalo Niagara through historic photographs, artifacts, stories, audio stations, and art. Upon reaching Buffalo we gain the the history of Joe Hodge, a trader who escaped from slavery and settled on the banks of the Cattaraugus Creek in the 1790s as well as eat some buffalo wings.
This bike tour provides a unique space for riders to have both and individual and collective experience. Our riding style ensures that no one is left behind and you are able to ride a pace that is both safe and enjoyable. As a collective, riders contribute to the success of the tour by co-leading various tour activities such as leading portions of the route, meal preparation, setting up nightly accommodations, leading dialogues, and skill exchanges just to name a few. This tour is guaranteed to be an experience of a lifetime and truly unforgettable as it is an example of ongoing love and resistance.